Sarawak "Bumi Kenyalang"

Posted by Blogger Girls


First of all, I want to ask, "have you go to Sarawak..??" What do you think about the places ?? Want to know what is interesting about this places..?? Okay, now I want to share the information about Sarawak..

The Background :
Sarawak is one of two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. Famous with the title of "Bumi Kenyalang @ Land of Hornbills"  Sarawak is situated on the northwest of the island, bordering the state of Sabah to the northeast, Indonesia to the south and and surrounding Brunei. It is the largest state. The administration capital is kuching, which has a population of 658,562. The major cities and the towns include Miri, Sibu, and Bintuu. As of the census the state population was 2,420,009.

How about the interesting places to visit..?? If you're the type of person that like the histories so much, I have suggestion for you to explored this places.

1) Padang Merdeka

An interesting and historical landmark in Kuching is its Padang Merdeka, a neat well kept field that is graced majestically by several centuries old Kapok tree. the tree are special and significant as very two to three years, they flower, bear pods filled with seeds and cotton like filling, which then burst scattering the white substances.
The Padang Merdeka is where many event are held, including the National Day celebrations. Once called as Padang Central, the fields is the place where the people of Sarawak from its multitudes of ethnics background, congregate to celebrate. At another times, the fields witnesses various other events including those by the government,private body and organizations. 
It is indeed a significant side in Kuching, made even more prominent by the towering Kapoks.

2) The Square Tower

The square Tower on the Waterfront was built in 1879 as a fortress, fortunately never fired the shot in anger, unlike its wooden predecessor which was burnt down in the 1857 golds miner's rebellion.

3) The Astana

The Astana Building build in 1870 by the Charles Brooke as a bridal gift to his wife the Ranee Margaret. It is nowadays still the official residence of the Sarawak Governor or the “Tuan Yang Terutama”.

4) The Fort Magherita

Built by Charles Brooke in 1879 and named after his wife, Ranee Margaret, Fort Margherita guarded Kuching against pirates. Sitting on a knoll opposite the waterfront, this little white fort, complete with battlements, offers fine views along the river. Now, the impressive whitewashed building has been left to rot under the Borneo sun. It seems that the city fathers have decided that there's no point in maintaining the place, which is a shame, considering its historical significance.
Now, all you can do is wander the weed-strewn grounds and look at the building from the outside. To get there, take a tambang from the pier on the waterfront, opposite the Hilton, walk up through the kampung (village), bearing left, past the school, through the parking lot and into the grounds.

5) The Sarawak Steamship Building

Built in 1930, the Sarawak Steamship Building is another historical building in Kuching that was built to cater to Kuching's earlier development as a river port and administrative center.
The building used to be office and warehouse of the Sarawak steamship Company. Now, it has been extensively restored and is part of the attractions at the Kuching Waterfront area. its currently houses a restaurant, a cyber cafe a souvenier or convenience stare.


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