Historical Site in Malacca

Posted by Blogger Girls

About Malacca :

Malacca was founded by a fleeing prince from Sumatra in 14th century, it developed into a major trading port for ships from India and China. As the Malacca Sultanate flourished, the Portuguese conquered Malacca in 1511. Later the Dutch took over in 1641 until much later the British empire ruled Malacca. The state finally obtained independence with the then "Malaya states" in 1957. Today, one will find many remnants of the glorious past dated back more than 500 years ago.

The first places is a replica of the "Malacca Sultanate palace" was reconstructed at the foot of St. Paul's Hill. The design is based on the description of the palace from the sixteenth-century 'Malay Annals,' or 'Sejarah Melayu.' It is the only building of its kind in Malaysia, and it provides a rare glimpse of the ancient Malay kingdom that once flourished here. The palace houses the Malacca Cultural Museum, which includes many artifacts of that kingdom.

(map's of Malacca)

Historical site :

On top of St. Paul's Hill is the St. Paul's Church, once the prayer house of the Portuguese Catholics, then turned into burial ground for their noble dead by the Dutch. The tombstones have Latin and Portuguese inscriptions on them. St. Francis Xavier was buried here in 1553 before his body was moved to Goa in India.

After the Portuguese captured Melaka, they built a fortress to defend themselves. The fortress, called A'Famosasuffered severe destruction during the Dutch invasion. What's left today is just the entrance walls, still well preserved till today.

The Stadthuys (1650) was the official residence of the Dutch Governor. It now houses the Historic Museum and Ethnography Museum which has many traditional bridal costumes and relics on display. Nearby, one will also find the Christ Church built in 1753, another fine example of the Dutch architecture.

Jonker's Street, once the richman's street is now a living proof of Malacca's rich baba-nyonya heritage. The buildings are immaculately constructed with elaborate carvings on its pillars and walls. The street is also famous for its antique shops.


Posted by Blogger Girls

Kelantan is a state of Malaysia. The capital and royal seat is Kota Bharu. The Arabic honorific of the state is Darul Naim. Kelantan is positioned in the north-east of Paninsular Malaysia. It is bordered by Narathiwat Province of Thailand to the north, Terengganu to the south-east, Perak to the west, and Pahang to the south. To the north-east of Kelantan is the South China Sea.

Kelantan is located in the north-eastern corner of the peninsula, Kelantan, which is said to translate as the "Land of Lightning" (see alternate theories below), is an agrarian state with lush paddy fields, rustic fishing villages and casuarina-lined beaches. Kelantan is home to some of the most ancient archaeological discoveries in Malaysia, including several prehistoric aboriginal settlements.

Due to Kelantan's relative isolation and largely rural lifestyle, Kelantanese culture differs somewhat from Malay culture in the rest of the peninsula; this is reflected in the cuisine, arts, and the peculiar Kelantanese Malay dialect, which is unintelligible even for some speakers of standard Malay.
(map's of Kelantan)

Historical Site :

Most historical places in Kelantan is located along the northern part of Sultanah Zainab Road in Kota Bahru or nearby this road. Some of them are Jahar Palace, Merdeka Square, War Museum, Pitis Bank and Royal Museum / Batu Palace. 

Handicraft Village and Tourist Information Centre is also nearby, just a short distance from Royal Museum. Handicraft Village has kampung kind of houses showing different states. 

Another place that showcase historical information is the State Museum, located beside a five-way roundabout, a little south of the main bus terminal. 

The oldest mosque in Kelantan is Kampung Laut Mosque which originally was located in Kampung Laut, Tumpat. Now, it is located in Nilam Puri, a little south of Kota Bahru.