
Posted by Blogger Girls

Kedah are known as beautiful places to be explore beside of their history. Kedah are located in northwestern part of Paninsular Malaysia. The state covers total area of over 9000 km and it consists of the mainland and Langkawi. the mainland has a relatively flat terrain, which is used to grow rice. Langkawi is an archipelago of island, most of which are uninhabited.
Kedah borders the states of Perlis and shared an international boundary with the Songkhla and Yala provinces of Thailand to the north. It also borders the state of Perak to the south and Penang to the southwest. The state's capital is Alor Setar and the royal seat is in Anak Bukit. Other major towns includes Sungai Petani, and Kulim on the mainland and Kuah on Langkawi.

(map's of Kedah Darul Aman)

Historical places at Kedah :
1) Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls

Telaga Tujuh was situated at the down hill of Mount Mat Cincang, which was about 23km away from Kuah that near to the east coastal of Langkawi island. The seven waterfalls were located near to each others and seems like been neatly arranged and became like a stair. the highest waterfall of telaga tujuh was 91 meter from the sea and the flow rate of the water in this waterfall was high due to the water was flow from the mountain peak. There had a legend said that Telaga Tujuh was a popular place to bath for the fairy from the mountain. 

The main reason of Telaga Tujuh became popular because it located far away from human being. The existence of the fairy had made the surrounding of the Telaga Tujuh smell sweat. Some said that the smell was come from the ingredient they used to wash their hair. However, those who want to walk to the places where the fairy bath, they had to get help from the guardian of fairy and ready to walk across the frozen forest.

Makam Mahsuri (Tomb of Mahsuri)

Legend has it that the pure white sandy beaches were originated from the seepage of white blood that flowed from the body of a beautiful princess named Mahsuri. Mahsuri, who was wrongly accused of having an adulterous affair, was quickly judged, condemned, and sentenced to death. Her continuous protest of innocence was in vain. However, during her execution none of the soldiers assigned as executioners could complete the task with their weapons. Her death was eventually brought about when the executioner plunged her own "kris" (dagger) into the princess.

Tomb Of Mahsuri

The blood, which flowed from her was white, thus depicting her innocence. With her dying breath, the princess laid a curse on the island, that the island would not prosper for seven generations. On the spot where she died, a tomb called Makam Mahsuri was erected where people from all walks of life come to relive the legend in its own backyard. This has now become something like a shrine and is a "must-see" among tourists. The Makam Mahsuri is a fine white marble that is surrounded by white walls - a clear reminder of her innocence. Her tomb is about 12km away from the main town of Kuah.

Padang Mat Sirat (The Field Of Burnt Rice)

In 1821, not long after Mahsuri's execution, Siam invaded Langkawi. To starve the invading Siamese soldiers, Dato Karma Jaya ordered all the rice on the island be collected and burnt in Padang Mat Sirat. This proved to be a foolish move, for locals soon starved to death due to this loss.

The Field Of Burnt Rice

Remnants of the burnt rice could still be seen in a cordoned area in Padang Mat Sirat, Kampung Raha. The burnt rice is said to have been buried below ground before being burnt, but often appears on the surface after a rainy day. The local authorities used to turn a blind eye to tourists taking some of the burnt rice home as souvenirs, but this practice has since been stopped due to dwindling amounts of burnt rice.

The Royal Museum (Muzium Di Raja)

This building which originated from the Kota Setar Palace is a wooden building that was built by HRH Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Adilin Muazzam Shah, the 19th Sultan of Kedah (1710-1778), who was the founder of Alor Star town in 1735. This building had undergone demolitions several times due to attacks by the Bugis (1770) and Siamese (1821).

The concrete building was completed during the reign of HRH Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah (1854-1879). His Royal Highness had once stayed in this palace with his queen, Wan Hajar Wan Ismail who was also known as "Mak Wan Besar". Therefore, this palace is also known as the "Mak Wan Besar Palace".

YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was also born adjacent to this palace (the Pagoda building, which no longer exist today) on 8 February, 1903 and once grew up in this palace while his father the late HRH Sultan Abdul Hamid and his mother Mak Che Manjalara resided there.

The Royal Museum

This palace is also renowned as the "Pelamin Palace" when the space of the palace was extended to as a pavilion and additional rooms when HRH Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah wanted to marry off his five princes and princesses. This grand wedding ceremony lasted for three months in 1904. After 1941, this palace was used as a school and an office for several organizations including the office for the St. John and the Scout movements. On 25 July 1983, this palace was declared the "Kedah Royal Museum".

The Big Clock Tower (Menara Jam Besar)

This tower is located at Jalan Putera. It was built in 1912 and is now about 90 years old. At certain times, this clock will chime. In terms of its architecture, there are two elements that are being portrayed here, that are the Islamic and Hindu aspects.

The Islamic elements can be seen around the dome section with the crescent, a symbol that is usually seen on the roof of mosques. The carvings surrounding this tower are also Islamic design. However, if we observe the lower section of that tower, the carvings represent Hindu elements, especially at its entrance. Obviously, the design of this tower does not have foreign influence. It is a blend influence of the Islam religion and past Hinduism. The construction of this Big Clock has connection with the Zahir Mosque in its role and function. It provides facility to the public especially to the muezzin who works in the Zahir Mosque to confirm the prayer times before the azan (the call to prayer) is made. In the past, this tower will chime at every prayer time, followed by the beating of the nobat at the Balai Nobat, and accordingly the call to prayer is made from the Zahir Mosque.

The Big Clock Tower

Balai Seni

This building was the earliest modern government office that was built in the town of Alor Star. Its construction was spearheaded by Muhammad bin Lebai Tambi, an architect from the Kedah State Public Works Department. The construction of the building began on 21 January 1893, and he was also responsible for the restoration of the Balai Besar building.

This modern building with eastern and western architectural elements was initially the High Court and was officially opened by Sultan Abdul Hamid Shah. This building was closed to make way for the special entertainment hall for very important people during the wedding ceremony of His Royal Highness's five princes and princesses which lasted for three months (June until September 1904).

Balai Seni

In 1912, a number of offices were located here such as the office of the His Royal Highness's Sultan, the treasury and audit office and the British Adviser. In 1914, most of these offices were relocated to the Wan Muhammad Saman building. The building was later occupied by the Public Works Department and the Department of Drainage and Irrigation. In conjunction with the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the reign of HRH Tuanku Sultan Haji Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (1958-1983), this building was converted to the Balai Seni Negeri (State Art Gallery) which was officiated by His Royal Highness on 25 July, 1983.


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